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Ana's books

Ana, the protagonist in my new book, Distorted Vision, loves to read. Choosing her books and authors was great fun and, no surprise to anyone who knows much about writing fiction, there’s some of my own eclectic taste in there. Just about any Ann Patchett is great for contemplating what makes friendships, love, and families work. For escape, John Grisham’s Rainmaker was a page turner and a fair look into the injustice of American medical insurance. Sue Grafton’s books are a hoot and I’m sorry she didn’t get to write Z is for Zero. Atonement ripped my heart out, although none of McEwan’s other books came close to the pathos there. Ana would have been drawn to the sibling relationship. A Gentleman in Moscow was a slow start but worth the effort; and the final twist was delicious. Last Bus to Wisdom was a perfect fit for Ana, with her adored nephew. And An Unquiet Mind gave both of us plenty to think about in the middle of several sleepless nights. As for the YA books, Alex Rider and Redwall, I admit I didn’t read them but a bright kid like Sean would — even if Ana was impatient to get to the end. As for Three Cups of Tea and the Deceit follow up, those are stories to read when you finish Distorted Vision.

2 comentarios

Joseph D Mfanyakazi
Joseph D Mfanyakazi
10 may 2021

I would add Danielle Steel novels for the love, friendships, family and work. Also growing up in Africa, James Hadley Chase were very popular books for a lot of us keen to read novels as well as those by John Grisham.

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Deborah J Coon
Deborah J Coon
03 may 2021

I love this! I've read several of these books and agree with your assessments -- though I never remember them well enough to come up with anything as pithy as you've done! I'm now anxious to read some of the ones I haven't yet read -- like Bel Canto and The Rainmaker. Also -- I was turned on to Ivan Doig many years ago by an archivist at a university where I taught, and went through a binge of his stuff back then. I haven't seen Last Bus to Wisdom, so I'm eager to read it! And when is your Distorted Vision expected????

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